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Archive of Published Issues: 2025

Front Matter

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Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:

Journal URL https://goodgovernancejournal.org/index.php/acg
Title Advances in Corporate Governance
Publisher AOSIS
Description Advances in Corporate Governance
Keywords Advances in Corporate Governance; ACG; academic inquiry; global collaboration; governance; governance-related research; business-related issues; awareness on governance; innovation in business; corporate governance practices; positive global outcomes; organisations; discourse on corporate governance; resolute individuals; good corporate governance; organisations; communities; countries; corporate governance; innovation in business; management sciences; outcomes-based governance; conscious corporate leadership; value creation; sustainable manner; effective thinking; corporate reporting; sustainability reporting; integrated reporting; digitalisation; corporate governance; organisational culture; quality; ethics of decision-making; operational efficacy; performance; organisations
Language(s) English (en_US)
Publisher Email submissions@goodgovernancejournal.org

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